Monday, January 22, 2007

Process essay

How to take a fun Snowboarding trip: steps that take you to your adventure
Yoojeong Shin
Writing1 H
7. Nov.2006

Close your eyes and imagine a beautiful mountain piled with fresh powdery snow. Then, think about yourself sliding down the slope with a cool looking snowboard. Don’t you feel excited and adventurous just by picturing it in your mind? However, this picture doesn’t come to real life as easily as you think. If you don’t take these crucial steps, it will always be a mere dream picture in your mind.
Finding a perfect place on the internet is the first step of taking a snowboarding trip. There would be millions and tones of places on the internet you’ll all want to go. But don’t worry. The way to look for the perfect place is very simple: think about your snowboarding level. If you choose a place just because it looks cool and adventurous, you’re making a tremendous mistake. It can even lead you to mass injuries including serious bone fractures. By looking at the pictures of the place, you’ll see if your snowboarding level is fit for the slope. If the pictures are telling you, “I see bone breaks ahead!!” you’d better move on to a suitable place matching your snowboarding skills.
In the next step, you should prepare the essential things to take. You might be groaning already, “Great! What an exciting thing to do on an FUN-snowboarding trip!!” Nobody likes packing. You always seem to forget something when you leave. To prevent this, make a list of the things you should take, so that you don’t rush back home, saying, “Oh my gosh, I forgot my snow pants!” Now, look very carefully at your list. If there isn’t “warm clothes” written there, you’re definitely not ready to go. It is very hard to decide what clothes to take, especially to a place with an unfixed weather like high mountains. Because of this, you should always watch the weather forecasts of the place you are going. If the weather reporter says that there will be full-day of sunshine, prepare lesser clothes and a lot of sun cream. If it says it is going to be icy cold, you should take thicker and warmer clothes. At this point, careful not to fix your perspectives on choosing the pretty looking clothes. It will wreck your exciting trip. The pretty colors and the design may lure you to the unbearable bitterness of the cold.
On your way to the snowboarding place, look for an equipment store, and rent your boots and snowboard. This is the most important step of your trip. You might be wondering why the equipments have such importance. This is like wondering why the sea is so important to fishes. If you choose the wrong boots and the snowboard, you cannot enjoy the purpose of your trip. If the boots the worker give you feels like you’re having your feet squished with rocks, feel free to tell the worker that you want to try other sizes. Always Remember: there should be plenty of space left for your toes. If there’s not enough space for the toes, you’ll have hard time controlling the direction of your snowboard. The snowboard that comes until your eyebrows when you lift it up straight with your body is the perfect one for you. You should never put your views on the stylish side of the snowboard. The most important thing is its length and its size for your nearly coming festivity.
You might be wondering what your next step is. Well, it’s quite easy. In fact, it’s the easiest step of all- Enjoy snowboarding! Buy your tickets and hop on those rousing lifts. Feel each and every sensational slope as you speed past them. Feel the excitement surging into you. Remember to ride easy and low lifts first to regain your skills quickly without injuries. You might be confident, but you never know when the accident is coming. This is enough warnings for now. Be sure to enjoy the beauty of the snow and the nature with the excitement of snowboarding as much as you can!

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