Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Writing Goals

Writing Goals Yoojeong Shin
Writing1 C
Writing goals

Goal: When I edit somebody’s writing grammar mistakes, I want to dig in deeper and fix his or her mistakes in a wider range. I shouldn’t just finish with fixing grammar. I want to make the sentences sound more effective and smooth.

Method: I could read English newspapers at least once a week to learn how to write effective and smooth sentences.

Goal: In my writing, I want to sound more creative and attract the readers well. I want to have my own special way of expressing my voice.

Method: I could read more essays from essay books to see other author’s own way of writing and start to build my own.

Goal: I want to improve on my spelling. I tend to make quite a lot of spelling mistakes.

Method: I could by vocabulary book and remember at least ten words a day.

Goal: I want to use variety of sources to search for my information. Using only a few sources for information is ineffective way of gathering information.

Method: I could use our school on-line library system to search for the books I want to get information from.

Goal: My convention uses seems too pain. I want to be able to use my conventions in a effective way to express my voice in a better and stronger way.

Method: I could read novels and good books to learn how good writers use conventions to express their voice in a better way. As I read, I should pay attention to the conventions they use.

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